Setting OHS Preferences

The settings on this tab determine how OHS Incidents are recorded, and how Locations will be displayed, within OHS.

To set this tab appropriately, an understanding of OHS specific information is required. These settings are described comprehensively within the System Preferences section of the OHS guide.

Go to Navigator | Security | System Preferences.

OHS - AS1885 Tables

1885 is the Australian Standard for reporting injury and disease. This is an important section to consider before you begin adding incidents and looking at statistics (in OHS), as both these areas will be impacted upon by the options here.

You may choose to tick the Use AS1885 Tables option, which means that the categories and options within the Australian Standard 1885 will be applied. These relate specifically to Incidents and reporting LTI (Lost Time Injury) statistics:

  1. With Use AS1885 Tables ticked, this activates the AS1885 Incident Classification table.
  2. From the four options given, choose the Lost Time Injury option. If you want to use this to generate statistics correctly, ensure you select option 01 Lost time injury/disease.
Field Explanation
Use AS1885 Tables Select this option if required (see previous information above).
Use position notes for incident’s ‘Main Tasks’ This relates to the Main Tasks field on the Details tab of the Incidents Injuries window in OHS
Preferred Language skill type
  • This relates to the Preferred Language field on the Details tab of the Incidents Injuries window in OHS
  • Languages are added in via HR | HR Framework
Custom LTIFR Hours The calculation for LTI Frequency Rate uses a standard of 'per one million hours' for hours worked.
You may change the hours worked value from one million hours to whatever value is more appropriate for your company.
Custom MTIFR Hours The calculation for MTI Frequency Rate uses a standard of 'per one million hours' for hours worked.You may change the hours worked value from one million hours to whatever value is more appropriate for your company.
LTI Incidents are identified by
AS1885 Incident Classification
  • If 'Use AS1885 Tables' is ticked, specify how LTI incidents are to be identified within OHS Location - Statistics.
  • Note: If you do not wish to use AS1885 tables, remove the tick from ‘Use AS1885 Tables’ and select an Incident Type.
    MTI Incidents are identified by
    Incident Type Specify how MTI incidents are to be identified are to be identified within OHS Location - Statistics.
    Location display settings
    The settings specified in this area can be changed at any time – they are display settings only and do not impact on statistics etc.
    Risk Level Matrix
    This relates to the Risk Level chart found in the Hazard window. If preferred, you may amend the risk level of any likelihood/consequence combination. For example, you might feel that if a hazard with a likelihood of 'Almost Certain' has a consequence of 'Insignificant', this should give a risk level of 'Moderate' rather than 'High'.
    Recalculate Risk Levels When you change items in this table, this button is activated.
    The changes you have made will automatically be applied within the corresponding areas in HR3pay. However, to ensure all areas in kiosk are updated you will first need to click this button, then execute an IISReset process - if you are unsure how to do this, contact HR3 Support for instructions.

    Return to System Preferences.